AMDiS  0.3
The Adaptive Multi-Dimensional Simulation Toolbox
AMDiS Namespace Reference

Contains all classes needed for solving linear and non linear equation systems. More...


class  AdaptBase
 Interface for adaption loops. More...
class  AdaptInfo
 Holds adapt parameters and infos about the problem. More...
class  AdaptInstationary
 AdaptInstationary implements the adaptive procedure for time dependent problems (see ProblemInstat). It contains a pointer to a ProblemInstat object. More...
class  AdaptionInterface
 Interface for transfer between grid changes. More...
class  AdaptiveGrid
 Wrapper class for Dune-grids that allows automatic signalling of events during grid adaptation. More...
class  AdaptiveGridFamily
class  AdaptStationary
 Contains all classes needed for space and time adaption. More...
struct  AMGCreator
struct  AMGCreator< Dune::Amg::AMG, Traits >
struct  AMGCreator< Dune::Amg::FastAMG, Traits >
struct  AMGCreator< Dune::Amg::KAMG, Traits >
class  AMGPrecon
class  AMGPreconCreator
 A creator for AMGPrecon, reads the smoother type from initfile: More...
class  AnalyticGridFunction
 A Gridfunction that evaluates a function with global coordinates. More...
class  AnalyticLocalFunction
class  AnalyticLocalFunction< R(D), LC, Function >
struct  AnalyticPreGridFunction
class  Assembler
 Implementation of interface AssemblerBase. More...
class  AssemblerInterface
 Abstract base-class of a Assembler. More...
struct  AssemblerTriple
struct  AttributeSet
struct  AttributeSet< Dune::ParallelIndexSet< TG, TL, N > >
struct  AttributeSet< Dune::ParallelLocalIndex< A > >
class  BackupRestoreByGridFactory
class  BackupWriter
class  bicg_solver_type
 ITL_Solver <bicg_solver_type> implementation of bi-conjugate gradient method. More...
class  bicgstab2_type
 ITL_Solver <bicgstab2_type> implementation of BiCGStab(l) method with l=2. More...
class  bicgstab_ell_type
 ITL_Solver <bicgstab_ell_type> implementation of stabilized BiCG(ell) method. More...
class  bicgstab_type
 ITL_Solver <bicgstab_type> implementation of stabilized bi-conjugate gradient method. More...
class  BiLinearForm
struct  BlockMatrixType
struct  BlockMatrixType< T, typename T::field_type >
struct  BlockVectorType
struct  BlockVectorType< T, typename T::field_type >
class  BoundaryCondition
 Interface class for boundary conditions. More...
class  BoundaryManager
 Manage boundary ids of boundary segments in a grid. More...
class  BoundaryManagerBase
class  BoundarySubset
 Class defining a subset of a domain boundary. More...
class  cg_solver_type
 ITL_Solver <cg_solver_type> implementation of conjugate gradient method. More...
class  cgs_solver_type
 ITL_Solver <cgs_solver_type> implementation of squared conjugate gradient method. More...
struct  CheckNumCols
struct  CheckNumRows
struct  CheckSize
struct  CommunicationCreator
 Implementation of a creator pattern for Communication types. More...
struct  CommunicationCreator< DistributedCommunication< G, L > >
struct  CommunicationCreator< ISTLCommunication< G, L > >
class  CompositeNodeCache
class  ConcurrentCache
 The class template ConcurrentCache describes an associative static container that allows the concurrent access to the stored data. More...
struct  ConsecutivePolicy
 Store cache in instance. More...
class  ConstantGridFunction
 Gridfunction returning a constant value. More...
class  ConstantLocalFunction
class  ConstantLocalFunction< R(D), LC, T >
 LocalFunction of a Gridfunction returning a constant value. More...
class  Constraints
struct  Constraints< BiLinearForm< RB, CB, T, Traits > >
struct  Constraints< EigenSparseMatrix< T, O > >
struct  Constraints< ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, C > >
struct  Constraints< MTLSparseMatrix< T > >
struct  Constraints< PetscMatrix< DofMap > >
struct  ContextGeometry
 Wrapper class for element and geometry. More...
class  ConvectionDiffusionOperator
class  CreatorInterface
 Interface for the implementation of the factory method pattern. The creation of an object of a sub class of BaseClass is deligated to a corresponding sub class of Creator<BaseClass>. So it is possible to manage a CreatorMap, which can be extended at run-time. An example is the LinearSolverInterfaceMap: If you write your own LinearSolverInterface sub class and a corresponding Creator<LinearSolverInterface<T> >, you can add the creator together with a key string to the LinearSolverInterfaceMap. Then you can create an LinearSolverInterface depending of a key string read from the init file, which can also be your own new solver. More...
class  CreatorInterfaceName
 Interface for creators with name. More...
class  CreatorMap
 A CreatorMap is used to construct objects, which types depends on key words determined at run time. For example the LinearSolverInterfaceMap can create the different solver types depending on the solver parameter of the init file. The benefit of such creator maps is, that you can extend them only by writing an creator class for your own new class and give the creator together with a key word to the map. More...
class  DataTransfer
class  DataTransferFactory
 Factory to create DataTransfer objects based on the DataTransferOperation. More...
class  DataTransferInterface
 Interface for Containers allowing data transfer between grid changes. More...
class  DataTransferWrapper
struct  DefaultAssemblerTraits
struct  DefaultAttributeSet
struct  DefaultBasisCreator
 Generator for a basis and default problem traits. More...
struct  DefaultCommunicationCreator
class  DefaultCreators
class  DefaultCreators< ISTLPreconCreatorInterface< Traits > >
 Adds default creators for preconditioners for ISTL. More...
class  DefaultCreators< ISTLSolverCreatorInterface< Traits > >
class  DefaultCreators< LinearSolverInterface< Mat, Vec > >
 Adds default creators for linear solvers based on Eigen::SparseMatrix. More...
class  DefaultCreators< PreconditionerInterface< Mat, Vec > >
class  DefaultLeafGridView
struct  DefaultLeafGridViewTraits
class  DefaultLevelGridView
struct  DefaultLevelGridViewTraits
struct  DefaultProblemTraits
 Wrapper around a global basis providing default traits. More...
class  DefaultSolverCreators
 Adds default creators for linear solvers based on Dune::BCRSMatrix. More...
class  DerivativeGridFunction
 A Gridfunction that returns the derivative when calling localFunction. More...
struct  DerivativePreGridFunction
struct  DerivativeTraits
struct  DerivativeTraits< Dune::FieldMatrix< K, n, m >(FieldVector< K, n >), tag::divergence >
struct  DerivativeTraits< Dune::FieldVector< K, 1 >(Dune::FieldVector< K, n >), tag::gradient >
struct  DerivativeTraits< Dune::FieldVector< K, n >(Dune::FieldVector< K, n >), tag::divergence >
struct  DerivativeTraits< K(Dune::FieldVector< K, n >), tag::gradient >
struct  DerivativeTraits< R(D), tag::gradient >
struct  DerivativeTraits< R(D), tag::jacobian >
struct  DerivativeTraits< R(D), tag::value >
struct  DerivativeTraits< R(Dune::FieldVector< K, n >), tag::partial >
class  DiagonalPreconditioner
 ITL_Preconditioner implementation of diagonal (jacobi) preconditioner,. More...
class  DirectRunner
struct  DirectSolverCreator
 Default creator for direct solvers. More...
class  DirichletBC
 Implements a boundary condition of Dirichlet-type. More...
class  DiscreteFunction
 A mutable view on the subspace of a DOFVector,. More...
class  DiscreteFunction< Coeff const, GB, TreePath, R >
 A Const DiscreteFunction. More...
class  DistributedCommunication
class  DOFVector
 The basic container that stores a base vector and a corresponding basis. More...
class  EigenSparseMatrix
 The basic container that stores a base matrix and a corresponding row/column feSpace. More...
struct  EigenTraits
class  EigenVector
 The basic container that stores a base vector and a corresponding basis. More...
class  Environment
 Establishes an environment for sequential and parallel AMDiS programs. More...
class  ESMarker
 Equidistribution strategy. More...
class  EstimatorMarker
 Base class for all estimator-based markers. More...
struct  FaceTransformation
 Affine transformation x := A*x + b. More...
struct  FakeAssigner
class  FakeContainer
 A container-like data-structure not storing anything and with empty implementations in many container-interface functions. More...
class  fgmres_type
 ITL_Solver <fgmres_type> implementation of flexible GMRes method. More...
class  FileWriterBase
 Base class for filewriters. More...
class  FileWriterCreator
 Creator class for filewriters depending on a given type name. More...
class  FileWriterInterface
 Interface class for filewriters. More...
class  Flag
 The Flag class encapsulates flags which represents simple information. Used e.g. while mesh traversal to specify, which elements should be visited. More...
class  FlatMatrix
 Dense matrix with row-wise storage in flat data vector. More...
struct  FlatPreBasis
struct  FlatPreBasis< Dune::Functions::CompositePreBasis< MI, IMS, SPB... >, MultiIndex >
struct  FlatPreBasis< Dune::Functions::LagrangePreBasis< GV,-1, MI, R >, MultiIndex >
struct  FlatPreBasis< Dune::Functions::PowerPreBasis< MI, Dune::Functions::BasisFactory::BlockedInterleaved, SPB, C >, MultiIndex >
struct  FlatPreBasis< Dune::Functions::PowerPreBasis< MI, Dune::Functions::BasisFactory::BlockedLexicographic, SPB, C >, MultiIndex >
struct  FlatPreBasis< Dune::Functions::PowerPreBasis< MI, IMS, SPB, C >, MultiIndex >
class  FlatVector
 Flat data vector to be used in assembling as element vector. More...
class  FunctorGridFunction
 A Gridfunction that applies a functor to the evaluated Gridfunctions. More...
class  FunctorLocalFunction
class  FunctorLocalFunction< R(D), Functor, LocalFunctions... >
struct  FunctorPreGridFunction
class  gcr_type
 ITL_Solver <gcr_type> implementation of generalized conjugate residual method. More...
class  GERSMarker
 Guaranteed error reduction strategy. More...
class  GlobalBasis
 Global basis defined on a pre-basis. More...
class  GlobalBasisIdSet
 Provide global ids for all DOFs in a global basis. More...
class  GlobalBasisIdSet< Basis, std::void_t< typename Basis::RootBasis > >
class  GlobalIdType
 Type of a global used used to represent DOFs uniquely. More...
class  gmres_type
 ITL_Solver <gmres_type> implementation of generalized minimal residual method. More...
class  GmshWriter
 The GmshWriter just writes the grid of a given gridView to a gmsh compatible .msh file. More...
struct  GridFunctionCreator
struct  GridFunctionCreator< Function, std::enable_if_t< Concepts::CallableDomain< Function > > >
struct  GridFunctionCreator< Value, std::enable_if_t< Concepts::ConstantToGridFunction< Value > > >
class  GridFunctionMarker
 Marker based on an indicator given as grid-function. More...
class  GridFunctionOperator
 The base-template for GridFunctionOperators. More...
class  GridFunctionOperator< tag::divtestvec, LC, GridFct >
 first-order operator \( \langle\nabla\cdot\Psi, c\rangle \) More...
class  GridFunctionOperator< tag::divtestvec_divtrialvec, LC, GridFct >
 second-order operator \( \langle\nabla\cdot\Psi, c\,\nabla\cdot\Phi\rangle \) More...
class  GridFunctionOperator< tag::divtestvec_trial, LC, GridFct >
 first-order operator \( \langle\nabla\cdot\Psi, c\,\phi\rangle \) More...
class  GridFunctionOperator< tag::gradtest, LC, GridFct >
 first-order operator \( \langle\nabla\psi, b\rangle \) More...
class  GridFunctionOperator< tag::gradtest_gradtrial, LC, GridFct >
 second-order operator \( \langle\nabla\psi, c\,\nabla\phi\rangle \), or \( \langle\nabla\psi, A\,\nabla\phi\rangle \) More...
class  GridFunctionOperator< tag::gradtest_trial, LC, GridFct >
 first-order operator \( \langle\nabla\psi, \mathbf{b}\,\phi\rangle \) More...
class  GridFunctionOperator< tag::gradtest_trialvec, LC, GridFct >
 first-order operator \( \langle\nabla\psi, c\,\Phi\rangle \) More...
class  GridFunctionOperator< tag::partialtest, LC, GridFct >
 first-order operator \( \langle\partial_i\psi, c\rangle \) More...
class  GridFunctionOperator< tag::partialtest_partialtrial, LC, GridFct >
 second-order operator \( \langle\partial_i\psi, c\,\partial_j\phi\rangle \) More...
class  GridFunctionOperator< tag::partialtest_trial, LC, GridFct >
 first-order operator \( \langle\partial_i\psi, c\,\phi\rangle \) More...
class  GridFunctionOperator< tag::stokes, LC, ViscosityExpr >
 Stokes operator \( \langle\nabla\mathbf{v}, \nu \nabla\mathbf{u}\rangle + \langle\nabla\cdot\mathbf{v}, p\rangle + \langle q, \langle\nabla\cdot\mathbf{u}\rangle \). More...
class  GridFunctionOperator< tag::test, LC, GridFct >
 zero-order vector-operator \( (c\, \psi) \) More...
class  GridFunctionOperator< tag::test_divtrialvec, LC, GridFct >
 first-order operator \( \langle\psi, c\,\nabla\cdot\Phi\rangle \) More...
class  GridFunctionOperator< tag::test_gradtrial, LC, GridFct >
 first-order operator \( \langle\psi, \mathbf{b}\cdot\nabla\phi\rangle \) More...
class  GridFunctionOperator< tag::test_partialtrial, LC, GridFct >
 first-order operator \( \langle\psi, c\,\partial_i\phi\rangle \) More...
class  GridFunctionOperator< tag::test_trial, LC, GridFct >
 zero-order operator \( \langle\psi, c\,\phi\rangle \) More...
class  GridFunctionOperator< tag::test_trialvec, LC, GridFct >
 zero-order operator \( \langle\psi, \mathbf{b}\cdot\Phi\rangle \) More...
class  GridFunctionOperator< tag::testvec, LC, GridFct >
 zero-order vector-operator \( (\mathbf{b}\cdot\Psi) \) More...
class  GridFunctionOperator< tag::testvec_gradtrial, LC, GridFct >
 first-order operator \( \langle\Psi, c\,\nabla\phi\rangle \) More...
class  GridFunctionOperator< tag::testvec_trial, LC, GridFct >
 zero-order operator \( \langle\Psi, \mathbf{b}\,\phi\rangle \) More...
class  GridFunctionOperator< tag::testvec_trialvec, LC, GridFct >
 zero-order operator \( \langle\Psi, c\,\Phi\rangle \), or \( \langle\Psi, A\,\Phi\rangle \) More...
class  GridFunctionOperatorBase
 The main implementation of an CRTP-base class for operators using a grid-function coefficient to be used in an Assembler. More...
class  GridFunctionOperatorTransposed
 The transposed operator, implemented in term of its transposed by calling getElementMatrix with inverted arguments. More...
class  GRMarker
 Global refinement. More...
struct  HierarchicNodeToRangeMap
 A simple node to range map using the nested tree indices. More...
class  ICPreconditioner
 ITL_Preconditioner implementation of IC (Incomplete Cholesky factorization) preconditioner. More...
class  IdentityPreconditioner
 ITL_Preconditioner implementation of identity preconditioner,. More...
class  idr_s_type
 ITL_Solver <idr_s_type> implementation of Induced Dimension Reduction method. More...
class  ILUPreconditioner
 ITL_Preconditioner implementation of ILU (Incomplete LU factorization) preconditioner. More...
struct  IndexMapTuple
struct  IndexMapTuple< std::index_sequence< I... >, Map >
class  Initfile
class  InitfileParser
 Parser for AMDiS initfile format. More...
class  ISTLBCRSMatrix
class  ISTLBlockVector
class  ISTLIterativeSolverCreator
 Base solver creator for iterative solvers. More...
class  ISTLLinearOperatorCreator
 Creator to create Linear Operator objects. More...
class  ISTLParallelPreconditionerCreator
 Creator to create parallel Preconditioners. More...
struct  ISTLPreconCreator
 Base class for precon creators,. More...
struct  ISTLPreconCreatorInterface
class  ISTLScalarProductCreator
 Creator to create ScalarProduct objects. More...
class  ISTLSolver
 Implementation of RunnerInterface for ISTL solvers. More...
struct  ISTLSolverCreator
 Base class for solver creators,. More...
struct  ISTLSolverCreatorInterface
struct  ISTLTraits
class  IterativeRunner
class  IterativeSolverCreator
 Default solver creator for iterative solvers. More...
struct  IterativeSolverCreator< tag::gmres< Solver >, Traits >
 Solver creator for iterative GMRes-like solvers. More...
struct  IterativeSolverCreator< tag::pcg< Solver >, Traits >
 Solver creator for iterative CG-like solvers. More...
class  IterativeSolverWrapper
class  KrylovRunner
 Wrapper class for different MTL4 itl-solvers. These solvers are parametrized by Matrix and Vector. More...
struct  LagrangeBasis
 ProblemStatTraits for a (composite) basis composed of lagrange bases of different degree. More...
class  LeafNodeCache
 Cache of LocalBasis evaluations and jacobians at local points. More...
class  LinearForm
 The basic container that stores a base vector and a corresponding basis. More...
class  LinearSolver
 Wrapper class for various solvers. These solvers are parametrized by MatrixType and VectorType. The different algorithms, like krylov subspace methods or other external solvers where the backend provides an interface, can be assigned by different Runner objects. More...
class  LinearSolverInterface
 Abstract base class for linear solvers. More...
class  LocalOperator
 The main implementation of an operator to be used in a Assembler. More...
class  LocalToGlobalBasisAdapter
 Convert a simple (scalar) local basis into a global basis. More...
struct  LocalToGlobalBasisAdapterTraits
 Traits class for local-to-global basis adaptors. More...
class  LocalView
 The restriction of a finite element basis to a single element. More...
class  MacroGridFactory
class  MappedRangeView
 A range transforming the values of another range on-the-fly. More...
struct  MapTuple
struct  MapTuple< std::tuple< T... >, Map >
class  Marker
 Base class for all markers. More...
class  MatrixFacade
class  MatrixNnzStructure
 Sparsity pattern used to create PETSc matrices. More...
class  MatrixSize
struct  MeshCreator
 A creator class for dune grids. More...
class  minres_solver_type
 ITL_Solver <minres_solver_type> implementation of minimal residual method. More...
class  MSMarker
 Maximum strategy. More...
class  MTLSparseMatrix
 The basic container that stores a base matrix. More...
struct  MTLTraits
class  MTLVector
 The basic container that stores a base vector data. More...
class  NoDataTransfer
 Implementation of DataTransferInterface that does not interpolate, but just resizes the containers to the dimension of the basis. More...
class  NodeDataTransfer
class  NodeIdSet
class  NodeIdSet< Dune::Functions::LagrangeDGPreBasis< GV, k, MI >, TP >
class  NodeIdSet< Dune::Functions::TaylorHoodPreBasis< GV, MI, HI >, TP, Dune::TypeTree::CompositeNodeTag >
class  NodeIdSet< PreBasis, TP, Dune::TypeTree::CompositeNodeTag >
class  NodeIdSet< PreBasis, TP, Dune::TypeTree::PowerNodeTag >
class  NodeWrapper
struct  NoOp
 A functor with no operation. More...
class  Notifier
 Mixin for signaling of certain events. More...
class  Notifier< Event >
class  Observer
 Implementation of the ObserverInterface. More...
class  ObserverInterface
class  OperatorLists
class  PeriodicBC
 Implements a periodic boundary condition. More...
class  PetscMatrix
 The basic container that stores a base matrix. More...
class  PetscRunner
 Wrapper around PETSc KSP and PC objects to solve a linear system. More...
struct  PetscTraits
class  PetscVector
 The basic container that stores a base vector data. More...
class  PowerNodeCache
struct  PreconConfig
struct  PreconConfig< Eigen::IncompleteLUT< T, I > >
struct  PreconCreator
 Default precon creator. More...
struct  PreconCreator< Dune::ParSSOR< M, X, Y, Comm >, Traits >
 Precon creator for the ParSSOR preconditioner.
struct  PreconCreator< Dune::Richardson< X, Y >, Traits >
 Precon creator for the Richardson preconditioner.
struct  PreconCreator< Dune::SeqILDL< M, X, Y >, Traits >
 Precon creator for the SeqILDL preconditioner.
struct  PreconCreator< tag::bjacobi, Traits >
 Precon creator for the BJacobi preconditioner. More...
struct  PreconCreator< tag::solver, Traits >
 Precon creator for the InverseOperator2Preconditioner preconditioner. More...
class  Preconditioner
 Wrapper for using ITL preconditioners in AMDiS. More...
class  PreconditionerInterface
 Interface for Preconditioner y = M*x. More...
struct  PreConvectionDiffusionOperator
class  PreconWrapper
struct  PreGridFunctionOperator
class  preonly_type
 ITL_Solver <preonly_type> implementation of preconditioner as. More...
struct  PreQuadFactoryFromLocalFunction
struct  PreQuadFactoryFromOrder
struct  PreQuadFactoryFromRule
class  ProblemInstat
 Standard implementation of ProblemTimeInterface for a time dependent problems. More...
class  ProblemInstatBase
 Base class for ProblemInstat. More...
class  ProblemIterationInterface
 Interface for master problems needed by the adaption loop. A master problem can handle one single or multiple coupled problems. In the latter case, the master problem can determine the execution order of the build, solve, estimate, and adapt steps of the single problems in oneIteration(). More...
class  ProblemStat
class  ProblemStatBase
 Interface for time independent problems. Concrete problems must override all pure virtual methods. The method adaptMethodStat() should initiate the adaption loop which in turn uses the other pure virtual functions. The default stationary adaption loop is implemented in the class AdaptStationary. More...
class  ProblemTimeInterface
 Interface for time dependent problems. Concrete problems must override all pure virtual methods. More...
class  qmr_solver_type
 ITL_Solver <qmr_solver_type> implementation of Quasi-Minimal Residual method. More...
class  QuadFactoryFromLocalFunction
 Factory for quadrature rule, that calculates the coefficient order from a localFunction passed to the bind method. More...
class  QuadFactoryFromOrder
 Factory for quadrature rule, that takes to order of the localFunction and a quadrature-type. More...
class  QuadFactoryFromRule
 Factory for quadrature rule, that is based on an existing rule. More...
class  QuadratureFactory
 Base class for quadrature factories for localFunctions. More...
struct  remove_cvref
 Remove cv and ref qualifiers of type T. More...
class  RunnerInterface
 Interface for Runner / Worker types used in solver classes. More...
struct  SeqSolverTraits
class  SequentialCommunication
 Dummy implementation for sequential communication. More...
class  SequentialDofMapping
 Fallback for ParallelDofMapping in case there is only one mpi core. More...
class  SequentialISTLCommunication
 Dummy implementation for ISTL-specific communication when no MPI is found. More...
class  SlotSize
struct  SolverConfig
struct  SolverConfig< Eigen::DGMRES< M, P > >
struct  SolverConfig< Eigen::GMRES< M, P > >
class  SolverInfo
class  SolverPrecon
 Use a LinearSolver as Preconditioner. More...
struct  SolverTraits
class  SparsityPattern
 A general sparsity pattern implementation using the full pattern of the basis by adding all local indices. More...
class  StandardProblemIteration
 A master problem for a single non coupled problem. More...
class  StandardProblemIterationAdaptor
 StandardProblemIteration when derived from ProblemStat. More...
struct  StaticLockedPolicy
 Stores cache global static, requires locking on write access. More...
struct  TaylorHoodBasis
 ProblemStatTraits of Taylor-Hood basis of lagrange-type with pressure degree k. More...
class  tfqmr_solver_type
 ITL_Solver <tfqmr_solver_type> implementation of Transposed-Free Quasi-Minimal Residual method. More...
struct  ThreadLocalPolicy
 Store cache thread local, requires no locking. More...
class  TransposedMatrix
 The transposed view onto a matrix. More...
class  Twist
 Permutate the dof indices w.r.t. a global entity orientation. More...
struct  Types
 A variadic type list. More...
class  UmfpackRunner
class  UniqueBorderPartition
 Determine for each border entity which processor owns it. More...
struct  ValueCategory
 Category of type T, e.g. scalar, vector matrix, specified by a tag. More...
struct  ValueCategory< Dune::FieldMatrix< K, 1, 1 > >
struct  ValueCategory< Dune::FieldMatrix< K, ROWS, COLS > >
struct  ValueCategory< Dune::FieldVector< K, 1 > >
struct  ValueCategory< Dune::FieldVector< K, SIZE > >
struct  ValueCategory< std::reference_wrapper< T > >
struct  ValueCategory< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< T > > >
class  VectorBase
 CRTP base class for flat vector backends. More...
class  VectorFacade
 The basic container that stores a base vector and a corresponding basis. More...
class  VTKSequenceWriter
 class to write pvd-files which contains a list of all collected vtk-files More...
class  VTKWriter
 Adapter for the dune-grid VTKWriter. More...
struct  YaspGridBasis
 Specialization of LagrangeBasis for Grid type Dune::YaspGrid for a given dimension. More...


template<class HostGrid >
using AdaptiveGrid_t = typename Impl::AdaptiveGridImpl< HostGrid >::type
using BoundaryType = int
using Parameters = Initfile
template<class Event , std::size_t N>
using ObserverSequence = Impl::ObserverSequenceImpl< Event, std::make_index_sequence< N > >
template<class RowBasis , class ColBasis , class ElementMatrix >
using MatrixOperators = TypeTree::TreeMatrix< OperatorLists< typename RowBasis::GridView, ElementMatrix >::template MatData, typename RowBasis::LocalView::TreeCache, typename ColBasis::LocalView::TreeCache >
template<class Basis , class ElementVector >
using VectorOperators = TypeTree::TreeContainer< OperatorLists< typename Basis::GridView, ElementVector >::template VecData, typename Basis::LocalView::TreeCache >
template<class T , class GV >
using HasCreate = decltype(T::create(std::declval< GV >()))
template<class G >
using HasGlobalRefineADHI = decltype(std::declval< G >().globalRefine(1, std::declval< typename G::ADHI & >()))
template<int I>
using int_t = std::integral_constant< int, I >
 A wrapper for int type.
template<int... I>
using Ints = std::integer_sequence< int, I... >
 class that represents a sequence of integers
template<std::size_t I>
using index_t = std::integral_constant< std::size_t, I >
 A wrapper for std::size_t type.
template<std::size_t... I>
using Indices = std::index_sequence< I... >
 class that represents a sequence of indices
template<bool B>
using bool_t = std::integral_constant< bool, B >
 A wrapper for bool types.
template<bool... Bs>
using all_of_t = bool_t< all_of_v< Bs... > >
template<bool... Bs>
using and_t = all_of_t< Bs... >
template<bool... Bs>
using any_of_t = bool_t< any_of_v< Bs... > >
template<bool... Bs>
using or_t = any_of_t< Bs... >
template<bool... Bs>
using none_of_t = bool_t< none_of_v< Bs... > >
template<bool B>
using not_t = bool_t<!B >
template<class T , T... values>
using IsEqual = Impl::IsEqualImpl< T, values... >
template<class T , class... Ts>
using is_one_of = or_t< std::is_same_v< T, Ts >... >
template<std::size_t I, std::size_t J>
using range_t = Impl::range_impl< std::size_t, I, J >
template<class Tuple , template< class > class Map>
using MapTuple_t = typename MapTuple< Tuple, Map >::type
template<class Indices , template< std::size_t > class Map>
using IndexMapTuple_t = typename IndexMapTuple< Indices, Map >::type
template<class T >
using remove_cvref_t = typename remove_cvref< T >::type
 Helper alias template for remove_cvref.
template<class T >
using Underlying_t = typename Impl::UnderlyingType< T >::type
template<class... Ts>
using Types_t = Types< remove_cvref_t< Ts >... >
template<class T >
using owner = T
 Alias that indicates ownership of resources.
template<bool... b>
using enable_if_all_t = std::enable_if_t<(b &&...)>
template<class T >
using ValueCategory_t = typename ValueCategory< remove_cvref_t< T > >::type
template<class PreBasis , class MultiIndex = Dune::Functions::FlatMultiIndex<std::size_t>>
using FlatPreBasis_t = typename FlatPreBasis< PreBasis, MultiIndex >::type
template<class PreBasisFactory , class PBF = remove_cvref_t<PreBasisFactory>>
using MultiIndex_t = std::conditional_t<(PBF::requiredMultiIndexSize==1), Dune::Functions::FlatMultiIndex< std::size_t >, Dune::ReservedVector< std::size_t, PBF::requiredMultiIndexSize > >
template<class Basis >
using GlobalIdType_t = GlobalIdType< typename Basis::GridView::Grid::GlobalIdSet::IdType >
template<class Node >
using NodeCache_t = typename Impl::NodeCacheFactory< Node >::type
 Defines the type of a node cache associated to a given Node.
template<class PB , class TP >
using Node_t = typename PB::Node
template<class PB , class TP >
using NodeIndexSet_t = typename PB::IndexSet
template<class IS , class GI >
using DofMapping = SequentialDofMapping< IS, GI >
template<class T , class Facade >
using VectorType_t = typename Impl::VectorTypeImpl< T, Facade >::type
 Type transformation changing the value type of the vector.
template<class >
using BackendTraits = EigenTraits
template<class Smoother >
using SmootherArgs = typename Dune::Amg::SmootherTraits< Smoother >::Arguments
template<class G , class L >
using ISTLCommunication = SequentialISTLCommunication< G, L >
template<class B >
using ISTLCommunication_t = ISTLCommunication< GlobalIdType_t< B >, typename B::size_type >
template<class Matrix >
using DiagonalPreconditioner = itl::pc::diagonal< Matrix >
template<class Matrix >
using MassLumpingPreconditioner = itl::pc::masslumping< Matrix >
template<class Matrix >
using IdentityPreconditioner = itl::pc::identity< Matrix >
template<class Matrix >
using ILUPreconditioner = itl::pc::ilu_0< Matrix >
template<class Matrix >
using ICPreconditioner = itl::pc::ic_0< Matrix >
template<class B >
using DistributedCommunication_t = DistributedCommunication< GlobalIdType_t< B >, typename B::size_type >
template<class Node >
using FiniteElementType = Impl::FiniteElementTypeImpl< Node, typename Node::NodeTag >
template<class Node >
using FiniteElementType_t = typename FiniteElementType< Node >::type
template<class Node , class R = double>
using RangeType_t = typename Impl::RangeTypeImpl< Node, R, typename Node::NodeTag >::type
 Range type of a node in the basis tree, composed of the leaf basis range types. More...
using RootTreePath = Dune::TypeTree::HybridTreePath<>


enum  DataTransferOperation { NO_OPERATION = 0, INTERPOLATE = 1 }
enum  SymmetryStructure {
  unknown, spd, symmetric, hermitian,


template<class HostGrid >
 AdaptiveGrid (HostGrid const &) -> AdaptiveGrid< HostGrid >
template<class HostGrid >
unsigned long changeIndex (HostGrid const &)
 Return a change index of a grid that is not an AdaptiveGrid.
template<class HostGrid >
unsigned long changeIndex (AdaptiveGrid< HostGrid > const &grid)
 Return a change index of an AdaptiveGrid.
void init (int &argc, char **&argv, std::string const &initFileName="")
 Initialized the Environment for MPI. More...
void finalize ()
 Closes the MPI environment. More...
template<class Traits , class Operator , class... Nodes>
auto makeAssembler (Operator &&op, Nodes const &...)
 Generate a Assembler on a given LocalContext LC (element or intersection)
template<class RB , class CB >
 BiLinearForm (RB &&, CB &&) -> BiLinearForm< Underlying_t< RB >, Underlying_t< CB >>
template<class RB >
 BiLinearForm (RB &&) -> BiLinearForm< Underlying_t< RB >, Underlying_t< RB >>
template<class T = double, class RB , class CB >
auto makeBiLinearForm (RB &&rowBasis, CB &&colBasis)
template<class T = double, class RB >
auto makeBiLinearForm (RB &&rowBasis)
template<class BaseClass >
CreatorInterfaceName< BaseClass > * named (CreatorInterface< BaseClass > *ptr)
 cast a ptr of CreatorInterface to CreatorInterfaceName
template<class B , class TP , class Values >
 DirichletBC (Dune::Functions::SubspaceBasis< B, TP >, BoundarySubset< typename B::GridView::Intersection >, Values const &) -> DirichletBC< Dune::Functions::SubspaceBasis< B, TP >, Underlying_t< Values >>
template<class B , class TP , class Values , REQUIRES(Concepts::GlobalBasis< B >) >
 DirichletBC (B const &, TP const &, BoundarySubset< typename B::GridView::Intersection >, Values const &) -> DirichletBC< Dune::Functions::SubspaceBasis< B, TP >, Underlying_t< Values >>
template<class B , class Values , REQUIRES(Concepts::GlobalBasis< B >) >
 DirichletBC (B const &, BoundarySubset< typename B::GridView::Intersection >, Values const &) -> DirichletBC< Dune::Functions::SubspaceBasis< B, TYPEOF(makeTreePath())>, Underlying_t< Values >>
template<class GB >
 DOFVector (GB &&basis, DataTransferOperation op=DataTransferOperation::INTERPOLATE) -> DOFVector< Underlying_t< GB >>
template<class GV , class PBF >
 DOFVector (GV const &gridView, PBF const &pbf, DataTransferOperation op=DataTransferOperation::INTERPOLATE) -> DOFVector< decltype(GlobalBasis
template<class ValueType = double, class GB >
DOFVector< Underlying_t< GB >, ValueType > makeDOFVector (GB &&basis, DataTransferOperation op=DataTransferOperation::INTERPOLATE)
 Create a DOFVector from a basis. More...
template<class Tag , class Expr , class... QuadratureArgs>
auto makeOperator (Tag tag, Expr &&expr, QuadratureArgs &&... args)
 Store tag and expression into a PreGridFunctionOperator to create a GridFunctionOperator.
template<class Context , class Tag , class GF , class QF >
auto makeGridFunctionOperator (Tag tag, GF &&gf, QF &&qf)
template<class Expr , class GridView >
auto integrate (Expr &&expr, GridView const &gridView)
 Integrate expression with quadrature rule determined by polynomial order of expression. More...
template<class Expr , class GridView , class QuadratureRule = Dune::QuadratureRule<typename GridView::ctype, GridView::dimension>>
auto integrate (Expr &&expr, GridView const &gridView, QuadratureRule const &quad)
 Integrate expression with quadrature rule provided. More...
template<class Expr , class GridView >
auto integrate (Expr &&expr, GridView const &gridView, int degree, Dune::QuadratureType::Enum qt=Dune::QuadratureType::GaussLegendre)
 Integrate expression with quadrature rule determined by provided polynomial degree More...
template<class GB >
 LinearForm (GB &&basis) -> LinearForm< Underlying_t< GB >>
template<class T = double, class GB >
auto makeLinearForm (GB &&basis)
template<class Derived , class LC , class GV >
auto makeLocalOperator (LocalOperator< Derived, LC > const &localOp, GV const &)
 Generate a LocalOperator from a PreOperator. More...
template<class Grid , class GF >
 GridFunctionMarker (std::string const &name, std::shared_ptr< Grid > const &grid, GF &&gf) -> GridFunctionMarker< Grid, TYPEOF(makeGridFunction(FWD(gf), grid->leafGridView()))>
template<class... Args>
void msg (std::string const &str, Args &&... args)
 print a message More...
template<class... Args>
void info (int noInfoLevel, std::string const &str, Args &&... args)
 prints a message, if Environment::infoLevel() >= noInfoLevel
template<class... Args>
void msg_ (std::string const &str, Args &&... args)
 print a message (without appended newline) More...
template<class... Args>
void info_ (int noInfoLevel, std::string const &str, Args &&... args)
 prints a message, if Environment::infoLevel() >= noInfoLevel
template<class... Args>
void error_exit (std::string const &str, Args &&... args)
 print a message and exit More...
template<class... Args>
void test_exit (bool condition, std::string const &str, Args &&... args)
 test for condition and in case of failure print message and exit More...
template<class... Args>
void warning (std::string const &str, Args &&... args)
template<class... Args>
void test_warning (bool condition, std::string const &str, Args &&... args)
 test for condition and in case of failure print message More...
template<class... Args>
void msg_dbg (Args &&... args)
 print message, in debug mode only More...
template<class... Args>
void test_exit_dbg (bool condition, Args &&... args)
 call assert_msg, in debug mode only More...
template<class B , class TP >
auto makePeriodicBC (Dune::Functions::SubspaceBasis< B, TP > basis, BoundarySubset< typename B::GridView::Intersection > boundarySubset, Impl::FaceTrafo< B > trafo)
 Make a PeriodicBC from a subspacebasis.
template<class B , class TP , REQUIRES(Concepts::GlobalBasis< B >) >
auto makePeriodicBC (B const &basis, TP const &tp, BoundarySubset< typename B::GridView::Intersection > boundarySubset, Impl::FaceTrafo< B > trafo)
 Make a PeriodicBC from a global basis and treepath.
template<class B , REQUIRES(Concepts::GlobalBasis< B >) >
auto makePeriodicBC (B const &basis, BoundarySubset< typename B::GridView::Intersection > boundarySubset, Impl::FaceTrafo< B > trafo)
 Make a PeriodicBC from a global basis.
template<class Traits >
 ProblemInstat (std::string const &name, ProblemStat< Traits > &prob) -> ProblemInstat< Traits >
template<class Traits >
 ProblemInstat (std::string const &name, ProblemStat< Traits > &prob, ProblemStatBase &initialProb) -> ProblemInstat< Traits >
template<class Grid , class Basis >
 ProblemStat (std::string name, Grid &&grid, Basis &&globalBasis) -> ProblemStat< Impl::DeducedProblemTraits_t< Underlying_t< Grid >, Underlying_t< Basis >>>
template<class InputIter , class Tp , class BinaryFunc >
void split (InputIter first, InputIter last, Tp sep, BinaryFunc f)
 Split a sequence [first,last) by the separators sep and pass the tokens as begin-end iterator pair to the provided functor f = void(InputIterator, InputIterator)
template<class InputIter , class SeparaterIter , class BinaryFunc >
void split (InputIter first, InputIter last, SeparaterIter s_first, SeparaterIter s_last, BinaryFunc f)
 Split a sequence [first,last) by any of the separators [s_first, s_last) and pass the tokens as begin-end iterator pair to the provided functor f = void(InputIterator, InputIterator)
template<class Range , class Iter = decltype(std::begin(std::declval<Range>())), class = decltype(std::end(std::declval<Range>()))>
constexpr auto enumerate (Range &&range)
 Provide python-like indexing iterator that returns a pair of [i,element].
template<std::size_t I, int... J>
auto get (Ints< J... >)
template<std::size_t I, std::size_t... J>
auto get (Indices< J... >)
template<char... digits>
constexpr auto operator"" _c ()
 Literal to create integer compile-time constant, e.g. 0_c -> index_<0>
template<bool B0, bool B1>
constexpr bool_t< B0 &&B1 > operator && (bool_t< B0 >, bool_t< B1 >)
template<bool B0, bool B1>
constexpr bool_t< B0||B1 > operator|| (bool_t< B0 >, bool_t< B1 >)
template<bool B>
constexpr bool_t<!B > operator! (bool_t< B >)
template<class F >
auto order (F const &f) -> decltype(&F::operator(), f.order())
 polynomial order of functions
template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > wrap_or_share (T &t)
template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > wrap_or_share (T &&t)
template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > wrap_or_share (T *t)
template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > wrap_or_share (std::shared_ptr< T > t)
template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > wrap_or_share (std::unique_ptr< T > t)
template<class Container >
constexpr auto static_size (Container const &container)
 Return a static constant size of the container. More...
template<class Matrix >
constexpr auto static_num_rows (Matrix const &matrix)
 Return a static constant rows of the matrix. More...
template<class Matrix >
constexpr auto static_num_cols (Matrix const &matrix)
 Return a static constant columns of the matrix. More...
std::string to_upper (std::string input)
 convert all characters in a string to upper case
std::string to_lower (std::string input)
 convert all characters in a string to upper case
std::string & ltrim (std::string &str)
 trim a string from the left
std::string & rtrim (std::string &str)
 trim a string from the right
std::string & trim (std::string &str)
 trim a string from both sides
std::string trim_copy (std::string const &str)
 trim a (copy of the) string from both sides
void replaceAll (std::string &str, std::string const &from, std::string const &to)
 Replace all occurences of substring from with to in source str.
template<class T , T to, T from, class Value , class Then , class Else >
decltype(auto) constexpr switchCases (const Dune::StaticIntegralRange< T, to, from > &cases, const Value &value, Then &&thenBranch, Else &&elseBranch)
template<class T , class Value , class Then , class Else >
decltype(auto) constexpr switchCases (const Dune::IntegralRange< T > &cases, const Value &value, Then &&thenBranch, Else &&elseBranch)
template<class T , T to, T from, class Value , class Then >
constexpr void switchCases (const Dune::StaticIntegralRange< T, to, from > &cases, const Value &value, Then &&thenBranch)
template<class T , class Value , class Then >
constexpr void switchCases (const Dune::IntegralRange< T > &cases, const Value &value, Then &&thenBranch)
template<class Matrix >
auto transposed (Matrix &&matrix)
template<class Obj >
auto makeUniquePtr (Obj &&obj)
 Create a unique_ptr by copy/move construction.
template<class Obj >
auto makeSharedPtr (Obj &&obj)
template<class V >
constexpr bool isVector (V const &)
template<class V >
constexpr bool isNotVector (V const &)
template<class PreBasis >
auto flatPreBasis (PreBasis const &preBasis)
template<class SigTraits , class F >
functionFromCallable (F const &f)
template<class GV , class PBF >
 GlobalBasis (std::string const &name, GV const &gridView, PBF const &preBasisFactory) -> GlobalBasis< decltype(flatPreBasis(preBasisFactory.template makePreBasis< MultiIndex_t< PBF >>(gridView)))>
template<class GV , class PBF >
 GlobalBasis (GV const &gridView, PBF const &preBasisFactory) -> GlobalBasis< decltype(flatPreBasis(preBasisFactory.template makePreBasis< MultiIndex_t< PBF >>(gridView)))>
template<class T , class Default >
decltype(auto) value_or (T &&value, Default &&)
template<class Default >
decltype(auto) value_or (tag::defaulted, Default &&def)
template<class Basis , class Vec , class GF , class TP , class C , class BV , class Assign >
void interpolate (Basis const &basis, Vec &vec, GF const &gf, TP const &tp_, C &&c_, BV &&bv_, Assign &&a_)
 Interpolate given function in discrete function space. More...
template<class B , class Vec , class GF , class TP , class C , class BV >
void interpolate (B const &basis, Vec &vec, GF const &gf, TP &&tp, C &&c, BV const &bitVec)
template<class B , class Vec , class GF , class TP , class C >
void interpolate (B const &basis, Vec &vec, GF const &gf, TP &&tp, C &counter)
template<class B , class Vec , class GF , class TreePath >
void interpolate (B const &basis, Vec &vec, GF const &gf, TreePath const &treePath)
template<class B , class Vec , class GF >
void interpolate (B const &basis, Vec &vec, GF const &gf)
template<class Node >
auto makeNodeCache (Node const &node)
 Construct a new local-basis cache from a basis-node.
template<class LocalView , class Node >
auto nodeIndices (LocalView const &localView, Node const &node)
 Returns a range over (flat) DOF indices on a node, given by the localView.
template<class LocalView >
auto nodeIndices (LocalView const &localView)
 Returns a range over (flat) DOF indices on the basis tree, given by the localView.
template<class LocalView , class Node >
std::size_t nodeIndexCount (LocalView const &, Node const &node)
 Returns the number of DOF indices on a node, given by the localView.
template<class LocalView >
std::size_t nodeIndexCount (LocalView const &localView)
 Returns the number of DOF indices on the basis tree, given by the localView.
template<class PB , class TP >
auto makeNode (PB const &preBasis, [[maybe_unused]] TP const &treePath)
template<class PB , class TP >
auto makeNodeIndexSet (PB const &preBasis, [[maybe_unused]] TP const &treePath)
template<class N , class = typename N::NodeTag>
int order (N const &node)
 Polynomial order of local basis-node.
template<class R , class D , class LC , class F , class Type >
auto derivativeOf (AnalyticLocalFunction< R(D), LC, F > const &lf, Type const &type)
auto X ()
 Generator for CoordsFunction.
auto X (int comp)
 Generator for CoordsCompFunction.
template<class LocalFunction , class Type , REQUIRES(std::is_convertible_v< tag::derivative_type, Type >) >
auto derivativeOf (LocalFunction const &lf, Type const &type) -> decltype(lf.makeDerivative(type))
 The derivative of a localfunction as localfunction itself.
template<class LocalFunction >
auto derivative (LocalFunction const &lf) -> decltype(lf.makeDerivative(tag::gradient
template<class GridFct , class Type , class LocalFct = decltype( localFunction(std::declval<GridFct>()) ), REQUIRES(not GridFct::hasDerivative) >
auto derivativeOf (GridFct const &gridFct, Type const &type)
template<class Expr >
auto gradientOf (Expr const &expr)
template<class Expr >
auto divergenceOf (Expr const &expr)
 Generates a Gridfunction representing the divergence of a vector-valued GridFunction.
template<class Expr >
auto partialDerivativeOf (Expr const &expr, std::size_t i)
 Generates a Gridfunction representing the partial derivative of a GridFunction.
template<class C , class Basis , class... Indices, class GB = Underlying_t<Basis>, class TP = TYPEOF(makeTreePath(std::declval<Indices>()...)), REQUIRES(Concepts::GlobalBasis< GB >) >
 DiscreteFunction (C &, Basis const &, Indices...) -> DiscreteFunction< C, GB, TP >
template<class DV , class... Indices, class C = decltype(std::declval<DV>().coefficients()), class GB = decltype(std::declval<DV>().basis()), class TP = TYPEOF(makeTreePath(std::declval<Indices>()...))>
 DiscreteFunction (DV &, Indices...) -> DiscreteFunction< std::remove_reference_t< C >, Underlying_t< GB >, TP >
template<class Range = void, class C , class GB , class TP , class R , class... Indices>
auto valueOf (DiscreteFunction< C, GB, TP, R > &df, Indices... ii)
 A Generator for the childs of a mutable DiscreteFunction.
template<class Range = void, class C , class GB , class TP , class R , class... Indices>
auto valueOf (DiscreteFunction< C, GB, TP, R > const &df, Indices... ii)
 A Generator for the childs of a const DiscreteFunction.
template<class Range = void, class DV , class... Indices, class C = decltype(std::declval<DV>().coefficients()), class GB = decltype(std::declval<DV>().basis()), class TP = TYPEOF(makeTreePath(std::declval<Indices>()...))>
auto valueOf (DV &dofVec, Indices... ii)
 A Generator to transform a DOFVector into a DiscreteFunction.
template<class Sig , class F , class... LFs, class Type , REQUIRES(Concepts::HasPartial< F >) >
auto derivativeOf (FunctorLocalFunction< Sig, F, LFs... > const &lf, Type const &type)
template<class Sig , class F , class... LFs, REQUIRES(Concepts::HasFunctorOrder< F, sizeof...(LFs)> &&(Concepts::Polynomial< LFs > &&...)) >
int order (FunctorLocalFunction< Sig, F, LFs... > const &lf)
template<class Functor , class... GridFcts>
auto makeFunctorGridFunction (Functor const &f, GridFcts const &... gridFcts)
template<class GridFunction >
auto localFunction (GridFunction const &gf) -> decltype(gf.makeLocalFunction())
template<class PreGridFct , class GridView >
decltype(auto) makeGridFunction (PreGridFct const &preGridFct, GridView const &gridView)
 Generator for Gridfunctions from Expressions (PreGridfunctions) More...
template<class T , REQUIRES(Concepts::AnyGridFunction< T >) >
auto abs (T &&value)
template<class Mat , class Sol , class Rhs , class BitVec >
void dirichletBC (Mat &matrix, Sol &solution, Rhs &rhs, BitVec const &nodes, bool setDiagonal=true)
template<class Mat , class Sol , class Rhs , class BitVec , class Assoc >
void periodicBC (Mat &matrix, Sol &solution, Rhs &rhs, BitVec const &left, Assoc const &association, bool setDiagonal=true)
template<class Basis , class PIS >
void buildParallelIndexSet (Basis const &basis, PIS &parallelIndexSet)
 Fills a parallelIndexSet with indices from a basis.
SymmetryStructure symmetryStructure (std::string str)
std::string to_string (SymmetryStructure symmetry)
template<class Mat , class Vec , class X >
itl::pc::solver< PreconditionerInterface< Mat, Vec >, X, false > solve (PreconditionerInterface< Mat, Vec > const &P, X const &vin)
template<class Mat , class Vec , class X >
itl::pc::solver< PreconditionerInterface< Mat, Vec >, X, true > adjoint_solve (PreconditionerInterface< Mat, Vec > const &P, X const &vin)
template<class PreGridFctA , class PreGridFctB , class PreGridFctC , class PreGridFctF , bool conserving = true>
auto convectionDiffusion (PreGridFctA const &gridFctA, PreGridFctB const &gridFctB, PreGridFctC const &gridFctC, PreGridFctF const &gridFctF, bool_t< conserving >={})
template<class Context , class... T, class GridView >
auto makeLocalOperator (PreConvectionDiffusionOperator< T... > pre, GridView const &gridView)
template<class Expr , class... QuadratureArgs>
auto fot (Expr &&expr, tag::grad_test, QuadratureArgs &&... args)
 Create a first-order term with derivative on trial-function.
template<class Expr , class... QuadratureArgs>
auto fot (Expr &&expr, tag::partial_test t, QuadratureArgs &&... args)
 Create a first-order term with derivative on trial-function.
template<class Expr , class... QuadratureArgs>
auto fot (Expr &&expr, tag::grad_trial, QuadratureArgs &&... args)
 Create a first-order term with derivative on test-function.
template<class Expr , class... QuadratureArgs>
auto fot (Expr &&expr, tag::partial_trial t, QuadratureArgs &&... args)
 Create a first-order term with derivative on trial-function.
template<class Expr , class... QuadratureArgs>
auto sot (Expr &&expr, QuadratureArgs &&... args)
 Create a second-order term.
template<class Expr , class... QuadratureArgs>
auto sot_ij (Expr &&expr, std::size_t comp_test, std::size_t comp_trial, QuadratureArgs &&... args)
 Create a second-order term of partial derivatives.
template<class Expr , class... QuadratureArgs>
auto zot (Expr &&expr, QuadratureArgs &&... args)
 Create a zero-order term.
std::size_t flatMultiIndex (std::size_t idx)
std::size_t flatMultiIndex (Dune::Functions::FlatMultiIndex< std::size_t > const &idx)
std::size_t flatMultiIndex (Dune::ReservedVector< std::size_t, 1 > const &idx)
template<class... Indices>
auto makeTreePath (Indices... ii) -> decltype(Dune::TypeTree::hybridTreePath(Impl::treePathIndex(ii)...))
auto makeTreePath ()
template<class Index , Index... I>
auto makeTreePath (std::integer_sequence< Index, I... >)
template<class... T>
auto makeTreePath (std::tuple< T... > const &tp)
template<class... T>
auto const & makeTreePath (Dune::TypeTree::HybridTreePath< T... > const &tp)
template<std::size_t... I>
auto makeTreePath (Dune::TypeTree::StaticTreePath< I... >)
template<char... digits>
constexpr auto operator"" _tp ()
 Literal to create treepath, e.g. 021_tp -> HybridTreePath<index_t<0>,index_t<2>,index_t<1>>
template<class... T>
std::string to_string (Dune::TypeTree::HybridTreePath< T... > const &tp)
std::string to_string (Dune::TypeTree::HybridTreePath<> const &)
template<class... T>
auto to_array (Dune::TypeTree::HybridTreePath< T... > const &tp)
template<class T0 , class... T>
auto pop_front (Dune::TypeTree::HybridTreePath< T0, T... > const &tp)
 Extract the first entry in the treepath.
template<class... T, class TN >
auto pop_back (Dune::TypeTree::HybridTreePath< T..., TN > const &tp)
 Extract the last entry in the treepath.
template<class... S, class... T>
auto cat (Dune::TypeTree::HybridTreePath< S... > const &tp0, Dune::TypeTree::HybridTreePath< T... > const &tp1)
 Concatenate two treepaths.
template<class EA , class IA , class BA >
AssemblerTriple< EA, IA, BA > makeAssemblerTriple (EA const &ea, IA const &ia, BA const &ba)
template<class GV , class Element , class Operators , class EA , class IA , class BA >
void assembleOperators (GV const &gridView, Element const &element, Operators &operators, AssemblerTriple< EA, IA, BA > const &assemblerTriple)
template<class Node , class Vec >
auto makeVectorAssembler (Node const &node, Vec &elementVector)
template<class RN , class CN , class Mat >
auto makeMatrixAssembler (RN const &rowNode, CN const &colNode, Mat &elementMatrix)
template<class R , class F >
auto mappedRangeView (R &&range, F const &f)
 Create a MappedRangeView. More...
template<class Iter , class F >
auto mappedIterator (Iter it, F const *f)
template<class ConstIter , class F >
auto mappedConstIterator (ConstIter it, F const *f)
auto makePreQuadratureFactory ()
auto makePreQuadratureFactory (int order, Dune::QuadratureType::Enum qt=Dune::QuadratureType::GaussLegendre)
template<class ctype , int dim>
auto makePreQuadratureFactory (Dune::QuadratureRule< ctype, dim > const &rule)
template<class Context , class... Args, class GridView >
auto makeLocalOperator (PreGridFunctionOperator< Args... > op, GridView const &gridView)
template<class Context , class... Args, class GridView >
auto makeLocalOperator (std::reference_wrapper< PreGridFunctionOperator< Args... >> op_ref, GridView const &gridView)


const Flag BUILD = 1
const Flag BUILD_RHS = 2
const Flag ADAPT = 4
const Flag SOLVE = 8
const Flag SOLVE_RHS = 16
const Flag ESTIMATE = 32
const Flag MARK = 64
const Flag INIT_FE_SPACE = 0x01L
const Flag INIT_MESH = 0x02L
const Flag CREATE_MESH = 0x04L
const Flag INIT_SYSTEM = 0x08L
const Flag INIT_SOLVER = 0x10L
const Flag INIT_ESTIMATOR = 0x20L
const Flag INIT_MARKER = 0x40L
const Flag INIT_ADAPT = 0x80L
const Flag INIT_FILEWRITER = 0x100L
const Flag INIT_GLOBAL_REFINES = 0x1000L
const Flag INIT_INITIAL_PROBLEM = 0x200L
const Flag INIT_UH_OLD = 0x400L
const Flag INIT_UPDATER = 0x800L
const Flag INIT_NONLIN_SOLVER = 0x1000L
const Flag INIT_NOTHING = 0x00L
const Flag INIT_ALL
const Flag MESH_ADAPTED = 1
template<int I>
constexpr int_t< I > int_ = {}
 Variable template to generate int-type.
template<std::size_t I>
constexpr index_t< I > index_ = {}
 Variable template to generate std::size_t-type.
template<bool B>
constexpr bool_t< B > bool_ = {}
 Variable template to generate bool type.
template<bool... Bs>
constexpr bool all_of_v = (Bs && ...)
template<bool... Bs>
constexpr bool any_of_v = (Bs || ...)
template<bool... Bs>
constexpr bool none_of_v = !(Bs || ...)
template<bool... Bs>
constexpr all_of_t< Bs... > and_ = {}
template<bool... Bs>
constexpr any_of_t< Bs... > or_ = {}
template<bool B>
constexpr bool_t<!B > not_ = {}
template<class T >
constexpr T threshold = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon()
template<std::size_t I, std::size_t J>
constexpr range_t< I, J > range_ = {}
template<class Container >
constexpr std::size_t static_size_v = decltype(static_size(std::declval<remove_cvref_t<Container>>()))::value
template<class Matrix >
constexpr std::size_t static_num_rows_v = decltype(static_num_rows(std::declval<remove_cvref_t<Matrix>>()))::value
template<class Matrix >
constexpr std::size_t static_num_cols_v = decltype(static_num_cols(std::declval<remove_cvref_t<Matrix>>()))::value

Detailed Description

Contains all classes needed for solving linear and non linear equation systems.

Typedef Documentation

◆ AdaptiveGrid_t

using AdaptiveGrid_t = typename Impl::AdaptiveGridImpl<HostGrid>::type

Always returning an AdaptiveGrid. Returns the grid itself if it is already an AdaptiveGrid.

◆ RangeType_t

using RangeType_t = typename Impl::RangeTypeImpl<Node, R, typename Node::NodeTag>::type

Range type of a node in the basis tree, composed of the leaf basis range types.

Generate the range type by recursively combining leaf range types to a hybrid node range type. Range types for PowerNodes are thereby constructed as Dune::FieldVector of child range types. CompositeNodes produce a TupleVector of the difference child range types.

Template Parameters
NodeType of a basis-tree node
RCoefficient type [double]

Function Documentation

◆ derivative()

auto AMDiS::derivative ( LocalFunction const &  lf) -> decltype(lf.makeDerivative(tag::gradient

Implementation of local-function derivative interface of dune-functions. Implements the jacobian derivative type.

◆ derivativeOf() [1/3]

auto AMDiS::derivativeOf ( AnalyticLocalFunction< R(D), LC, F > const &  lf,
Type const &  type 

In order to differentiate the local function, the functor must be differentiable, i.e. a free function partial(fct,_0) must exist.


  • The functor F must fulfill the concept Concepts::HasDerivative

Referenced by DerivativeGridFunction< GridFunction, Type >::makeLocalFunction().

◆ derivativeOf() [2/3]

auto AMDiS::derivativeOf ( FunctorLocalFunction< Sig, F, LFs... > const &  lf,
Type const &  type 

\( d_x(f(lf(x)...)) = \sum_i d_i(f)[lf(x)...] * derivativeOf(lf[i]) \)


  • The Functor F must model Concepts::HasPartial

◆ derivativeOf() [3/3]

auto AMDiS::derivativeOf ( GridFct const &  gridFct,
Type const &  type 

A GridFunction can be differentiated if the corresponding LocalFunction provides a free function derivativeOf()


  • The type GridFct models the concept of a GridFunction
  • The GridFct has no own derivativeOf() function, i.e. it holds GridFct::hasDerivative == false.
  • The localFunction of the GridFct models Concepts::HasDerivative.

◆ error_exit()

◆ finalize()

void AMDiS::finalize ( )

Closes the MPI environment.


The Environment is closed automatically on destruction.

◆ init()

void AMDiS::init ( int argc,
char **&  argv,
std::string const &  initFileName = "" 

◆ integrate() [1/3]

auto AMDiS::integrate ( Expr &&  expr,
GridView const &  gridView 

Integrate expression with quadrature rule determined by polynomial order of expression.


double i1 = integrate(prob.solution(0), prob.gridView());
double i2 = integrate(X(0) + X(1), prob.gridView());
double i3 = integrate([](auto const& x) { return x[0] + x[1]; }, prob.gridView()); // ERROR

References makeGridFunction(), and order().

◆ integrate() [2/3]

auto AMDiS::integrate ( Expr &&  expr,
GridView const &  gridView,
QuadratureRule const &  quad 

Integrate expression with quadrature rule provided.


auto quad = Dune::QuadratureRules<double,DIM>::rule(Dune::GeometryTypes::triangle, 1);
double i4 = integrate([](auto const& x) { return x[0]; }, prob.gridView(), quad); // OK

References makeGridFunction().

◆ integrate() [3/3]

auto AMDiS::integrate ( Expr &&  expr,
GridView const &  gridView,
int  degree,
Dune::QuadratureType::Enum  qt = Dune::QuadratureType::GaussLegendre 

Integrate expression with quadrature rule determined by provided polynomial degree


double i5 = integrate([](auto const& x) { return x[0]; }, prob.gridView(), 1); // OK

References makeGridFunction().

◆ interpolate()

void AMDiS::interpolate ( Basis const &  basis,
Vec &  vec,
GF const &  gf,
TP const &  tp_,
C &&  c_,
BV &&  bv_,
Assign &&  a_ 

Interpolate given function in discrete function space.

Interpolation is done wrt the leaf node of the ansatz tree corresponding to the given tree path.

Notice that this will only work if the range type of f and the block type of coeff are compatible and supported by flatVectorView.

basisGlobal function space basis of discrete function space
vecCoefficient vector to represent the interpolation
gfGridFunction to interpolate
tp_Tree path specifying the part of the ansatz tree to use [RootTreePath]
c_Vector that counts for the number of value assignments [FakeContainer]
bv_A vector with flags marking all DOFs that should be interpolated [FakeContainer]
a_Assignment mode [Assigner::assign]

Referenced by DirichletBC< SubBasis, ValueGridFct >::apply(), and DiscreteFunction< Coeff, GB, TreePath, R >::interpolate_noalias().

◆ makeDOFVector()

DOFVector<Underlying_t<GB>, ValueType> AMDiS::makeDOFVector ( GB &&  basis,
DataTransferOperation  op = DataTransferOperation::INTERPOLATE 

Create a DOFVector from a basis.

This generator function accepts the basis as reference, temporary, or shared_ptr. Internally the reference is wrapped into a non-destroying shared_ptr and the temporary is moved into a new shared_ptr.

The DataTransferOperation controls what is done during grid changes with the DOFVector. The default is interpolation of the data to the new grid. See DataTransferOperation for more options.

◆ makeLocalOperator()

auto AMDiS::makeLocalOperator ( PreGridFunctionOperator< Args... >  op,
GridView const &  gridView 

Generate an GridFunctionOperator from a PreOperator (tag, expr).

References makeGridFunction().

◆ mappedRangeView()

auto AMDiS::mappedRangeView ( R &&  range,
F const &  f 

Create a MappedRangeView.

rangeThe range the transform
fUnary function that should the applied to the entries of the range.

This behaves like a range providing begin() and end(). The iterators over this range internally iterate over the wrapped range. When dereferencing the iterator, the value is transformed on-the-fly using a given transformation function leaving the underlying range unchanged.

The transformation may either return temporary values or l-value references. In the former case the range behaves like a proxy-container. In the latter case it forwards these references allowing, e.g., to sort a subset of some container by applying a transformation to an index-range for those values.

The iterators of the MappedRangeView have the same iterator_category as the ones of the wrapped container.

If range is an r-value, then the MappedRangeView stores it by value, if range is an l-value, then the MappedRangeView stores it by reference.

Referenced by VectorBase< EigenVector< T > >::forEach(), PetscVector< DofMap >::forEach(), and nodeIndices().

◆ msg()

◆ msg_()

void AMDiS::msg_ ( std::string const &  str,
Args &&...  args 

print a message (without appended newline)


msg_("Hello {}: {}", "World", 123); // prints "Hello World: 123"

◆ msg_dbg()

void AMDiS::msg_dbg ( Args &&...  args)

print message, in debug mode only

Same as MSG, but is available only if preprocessor constant AMDIS_ENABLE_MSG_DBG is set to 1, otherwise the function is empty.

References msg().

Referenced by test_exit_dbg().

◆ order()

int AMDiS::order ( FunctorLocalFunction< Sig, F, LFs... > const &  lf)


  • The functor F must model Concepts::HasFunctorOrder
  • All localFunctions LFs... must model Concepts::Polynomial

References AMDiS::Concepts::Functor, and order().

◆ static_num_cols()

constexpr auto AMDiS::static_num_cols ( Matrix const &  matrix)

Return a static constant columns of the matrix.

containerMatrix whose number of columns is queried
Number of columns of matrix

If the size of matrix is known at compile time the number if cols is returned as std::integral_constant<std::size_t, size>. Otherwise 0 is returned by default, or 1 for arithmetic types.

◆ static_num_rows()

constexpr auto AMDiS::static_num_rows ( Matrix const &  matrix)

Return a static constant rows of the matrix.

containerMatrix whose number of rows is queried
Number of rows of matrix

If the size of t is known at compile time the number of rows is returned as std::integral_constant<std::size_t, size>. Otherwise 0 is returned by default, or 1 for arithmetic types.

◆ static_size()

constexpr auto AMDiS::static_size ( Container const &  container)

Return a static constant size of the container.

containerContainer whose size is queried
Size of t

If the size of t is known at compile time the size is returned as std::integral_constant<std::size_t, size>. Otherwise 0 is returned by default, or 1 for arithmetic types.

◆ test_exit()

◆ test_exit_dbg()

◆ test_warning()

void AMDiS::test_warning ( bool  condition,
std::string const &  str,
Args &&...  args 

test for condition and in case of failure print message

Same as TEST_EXIT but does not throw an exception, or call assert. It just tests for the condition and prints a message with prepended string "WARNING".

Referenced by LocalOperator< GridFunctionOperator< tag::gradtest, LC, GridFct >, LC >::getDegree(), and ProblemStat< Traits >::removeMarker().

◆ wrap_or_share()

std::shared_ptr<T> AMDiS::wrap_or_share ( T &  t)

Helper function converting the argument into a shared_ptr. The following cases are handled:

  • objects passed as rvalue references are used to construct a new shared_ptr
  • objects passed as references are used to construct a shared_ptr with a null deleter that does nothing when the pointer is destroyed, using the stored base pointer in case of a unique_ptr argument
  • shared_ptr are simply forwarded

Referenced by ProblemStat< Traits >::addMarker(), ProblemStat< Traits >::ProblemStat(), ProblemStat< Traits >::setGrid(), and ProblemStat< Traits >::setSolver().

Variable Documentation


const Flag INIT_ALL
Initial value: