AMDiS Workshop 2021

AMDiS - Adaptive Multi-Dimensional Simulations - is a C++ framework for the discretization of partial differential equations using the finite element method. The implementations is based on Dune - the Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment - and focusses on the continuous Galerkin method with a high-level interface to describe the PDE.


The AMDiS workshop targets absolute beginners with the framework, but expects some basic knowledge in C++. There is a lecture about Scientific Programming with C++ in the summer term for those who want to get in touch with the programming basics.

Basic knowledge about C++ and the finite element method.
The workshop will be taught in English.
Teaching concept
The workshop will be taught remotely via BigBlueButton with a lecture/presentation part and an interactive/tutorial part. Lectures are recorded, while the tutorials are not recorded.
If you think your knowledge about C++ or the finite element method needs some refreshing, I recommend some introductory sessions to these two topics from the recent Dune-PDELab course held in March 2021 in Heidelberg:

In order to participate in the tutorials by writing code, please install some required dependencies:

  • Recent Compiler: g++ >= 7, clang >= 6
  • CMake buildsystem generator >= 3.13
  • Code editor, e.g., vim, emacs, vscode, Sublime Text, CLion, ....

If your linux distribution does not provide the corresponding version, please also check the FAQ section on for some hints.

Material for the workshop

Please checkout the following resources for additional material and information regarding AMDiS and Dune:

  • The Dune webpage, for general information about the Dune universe, general installation instructions and a list of modules that can be used to extend the software.
  • AMDiS Git Repository with an issue tracker to report bugs and problems.
  • Online Documentation. Contains also the generated doxygen documentation.
  • The Matrix room of the AMDiS community. This is a chatroom for questions and answers around the AMDiS framework in general.
  • The Matrix room for this workshop. There, announcements will be published and it can be used for questions and answers during the workshop.
  • The workshop slides, (PDF)

Workshop Videos

The Dune introduction sessions are based on the Dune-PDELab course

Video Slides Exercises Topics
session01 slides01 Introduction into Dune
session02 slides02 The dune-grid interface
session03 slides03 Intersections, IndexSets and IO
session04 slides04 Local Finite-Elements
session05 slides05 Global Finite-Elements
session06 slides06 AMDiS: ProblemStat
session07 slides07 DOFVector, DiscreteFunction
session08 slides08, Adaptivity
session09 slides09,, Linear Algebra Backend and Solvers
session10 slides10 Parallelization