AMDiS  0.3
The Adaptive Multi-Dimensional Simulation Toolbox
ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions > Member List

This is the complete list of members for ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >, including all inherited members.

abs_max(Lhs &&lhs, Rhs &&rhs)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
abs_min(Lhs &&lhs, Rhs &&rhs)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
clamp(V &&v, T const &lo, T const &hi)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
constant(T const &value)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
distance(Lhs &&lhs, Rhs &&rhs)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
dot(Lhs &&lhs, Rhs &&rhs)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
get(T &&value)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
get(T &&value, std::size_t i)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
infty_norm(Vec &&vec)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
invokeAtQP(Functor const &f, PreGridFcts &&... gridFcts)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
max(Lhs &&lhs, Rhs &&rhs)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
min(Lhs &&lhs, Rhs &&rhs)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
one_norm(Vec &&vec)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
operator*(Lhs &&lhs, Rhs &&rhs)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
operator+(Lhs &&lhs, Rhs &&rhs)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
operator-(Lhs &&lhs)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
operator-(Lhs &&lhs, Rhs &&rhs)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
operator/(Lhs &&lhs, Rhs &&rhs)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
outer(Lhs &&lhs, Rhs &&rhs)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
p_norm(Vec &&vec)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
pow(T &&value)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
pow(T &&value, double p)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
reference(T &value)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
sqr(T &&value)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
sum(Vec &&vec)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
trans(Mat &&mat)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
two_norm(Vec &&vec)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related
unary_dot(Vec &&vec)ComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >related