AMDiS  0.3
The Adaptive Multi-Dimensional Simulation Toolbox
ContextGeometry< LC > Member List

This is the complete list of members for ContextGeometry< LC >, including all inherited members.

ContextGeometry(LC const &localContext, Element const &element, Geometry const &geometry)ContextGeometry< LC >inline
ContextGeometry(LC const &localContext, Element const &element, Geometry &&geometry)=delete (defined in ContextGeometry< LC >)ContextGeometry< LC >
ContextType typedef (defined in ContextGeometry< LC >)ContextGeometry< LC >
dim enum value (defined in ContextGeometry< LC >)ContextGeometry< LC >
dow enum value (defined in ContextGeometry< LC >)ContextGeometry< LC >
Element typedef (defined in ContextGeometry< LC >)ContextGeometry< LC >
element() constContextGeometry< LC >inline
geometry() constContextGeometry< LC >inline
Geometry typedef (defined in ContextGeometry< LC >)ContextGeometry< LC >
global(Coordinate const &p) constContextGeometry< LC >inline
integrationElement(Coordinate const &p) constContextGeometry< LC >inline
IsEntity typedef (defined in ContextGeometry< LC >)ContextGeometry< LC >
local(Coordinate const &p) constContextGeometry< LC >inline
localContext() constContextGeometry< LC >inline
LocalContext typedef (defined in ContextGeometry< LC >)ContextGeometry< LC >
localGeometry() constContextGeometry< LC >inline
LocalGeometry typedef (defined in ContextGeometry< LC >)ContextGeometry< LC >
type() constContextGeometry< LC >inline