AMDiS  0.3
The Adaptive Multi-Dimensional Simulation Toolbox
Solver module


class  LinearSolver< Mat, Vec, Runner >
 Wrapper class for various solvers. These solvers are parametrized by MatrixType and VectorType. The different algorithms, like krylov subspace methods or other external solvers where the backend provides an interface, can be assigned by different Runner objects. More...
class  cg_solver_type
 ITL_Solver <cg_solver_type> implementation of conjugate gradient method. More...
class  cgs_solver_type
 ITL_Solver <cgs_solver_type> implementation of squared conjugate gradient method. More...
class  bicg_solver_type
 ITL_Solver <bicg_solver_type> implementation of bi-conjugate gradient method. More...
class  bicgstab_type
 ITL_Solver <bicgstab_type> implementation of stabilized bi-conjugate gradient method. More...
class  bicgstab2_type
 ITL_Solver <bicgstab2_type> implementation of BiCGStab(l) method with l=2. More...
class  qmr_solver_type
 ITL_Solver <qmr_solver_type> implementation of Quasi-Minimal Residual method. More...
class  tfqmr_solver_type
 ITL_Solver <tfqmr_solver_type> implementation of Transposed-Free Quasi-Minimal Residual method. More...
class  bicgstab_ell_type
 ITL_Solver <bicgstab_ell_type> implementation of stabilized BiCG(ell) method. More...
class  gmres_type
 ITL_Solver <gmres_type> implementation of generalized minimal residual method. More...
class  idr_s_type
 ITL_Solver <idr_s_type> implementation of Induced Dimension Reduction method. More...
class  minres_solver_type
 ITL_Solver <minres_solver_type> implementation of minimal residual method. More...
class  gcr_type
 ITL_Solver <gcr_type> implementation of generalized conjugate residual method. More...
class  fgmres_type
 ITL_Solver <fgmres_type> implementation of flexible GMRes method. More...
class  preonly_type
 ITL_Solver <preonly_type> implementation of preconditioner as. More...
class  KrylovRunner< Mat, Vec, ITLSolver >
 Wrapper class for different MTL4 itl-solvers. These solvers are parametrized by Matrix and Vector. More...
class  Preconditioner< Mat, Vec, PreconImpl >
 Wrapper for using ITL preconditioners in AMDiS. More...
class  SolverPrecon< Mat, Vec >
 Use a LinearSolver as Preconditioner. More...
class  DirectRunner< Mat, Vec, Solver >
class  DiagonalPreconditioner
 ITL_Preconditioner implementation of diagonal (jacobi) preconditioner,. More...
class  IdentityPreconditioner
 ITL_Preconditioner implementation of identity preconditioner,. More...
class  ILUPreconditioner
 ITL_Preconditioner implementation of ILU (Incomplete LU factorization) preconditioner. More...
class  ICPreconditioner
 ITL_Preconditioner implementation of IC (Incomplete Cholesky factorization) preconditioner. More...
class  UmfpackRunner< Mat, Vec >

Detailed Description