AMDiS  0.3
The Adaptive Multi-Dimensional Simulation Toolbox
ComposerGridFunction< R(D), ES, Functor, GridFunctions... > Class Template Reference

Public Types

enum  { hasDerivative = false }
using Range = R
using Domain = D
using EntitySet = ES
using LocalFunction = ComposerLocalFunction< Range(LocalDomain), Element, Functor, LocalFct< GridFunctions >... >

Public Member Functions

template<class... GridFcts>
 ComposerGridFunction (EntitySet const &entitySet, Functor const &fct, GridFcts &&... gridFcts)
 Constructor. Stores copies of the functor and gridfunctions.
Range operator() (Domain const &x) const
 Applies the functor to the evaluated gridfunctions.
EntitySet const & entitySet () const
 Return the stored EntitySet of the first GridFunction.
LocalFunction makeLocalFunction () const
 Create the localFunction by composition of the inner localFunctions.

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