AMDiS  0.3
The Adaptive Multi-Dimensional Simulation Toolbox
PreconditionerInterface< M, X, Y > Class Template Referenceabstract

Interface for Preconditioner y = M*x. More...

#include <PreconditionerInterface.hpp>

Inherited by Preconditioner< M, X, Y, PreconImpl >, and SolverPrecon< M, X, Y >.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~PreconditionerInterface ()=default
 Virtual destructor.
virtual void init (M const &A)=0
 Is called a the beginning of a solution procedure.
virtual void finish ()=0
 Is called at the end of a solution procedure.
virtual void solve (X const &x, Y &y) const =0
 Apply the preconditioner to a vector x and store the result in y.
virtual void adjoint_solve (X const &x, Y &y) const
 Apply the transposed preconditioner to a vector x and store the result in y.

Detailed Description

template<class M, class X, class Y>
class AMDiS::PreconditionerInterface< M, X, Y >

Interface for Preconditioner y = M*x.

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