AMDiS  0.3
The Adaptive Multi-Dimensional Simulation Toolbox
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CAbsMaxOperation that represents max(|A|,|B|)
 CAbsMinOperation that represents min(|A|,|B|)
 CAccessUnified accessor class
 CAdaptBaseInterface for adaption loops
 CAdaptInfoHolds adapt parameters and infos about the problem
 CAdaptionInterfaceInterface for transfer between grid changes
 CAdaptiveGridFamily< HostGrid >
 CAMGCreator< AMGSolver, Traits >
 CAnalyticGridFunction< Function, GridView >A Gridfunction that evaluates a function with global coordinates
 CAnalyticLocalFunction< Signature, LocalContext, Function >
 CAnalyticLocalFunction< R(D), LC, Function >
 CAnalyticPreGridFunction< Function >
 CArg< I >
 CAssemblerInterface< Traits, Nodes >Abstract base-class of a Assembler
 CAssemblerInterface< Traits, Nodes... >
 CAttributeSet< C >
 CBackupRestoreByGridFactory< Grid >
 CBlockMatrixType< T, class >
 CBlockMatrixType< T, typename T::field_type >
 CBlockVectorType< T, class >
 CBlockVectorType< T, typename T::field_type >
 CBoundarySubset< IS >Class defining a subset of a domain boundary
 CBoundarySubset< I >
 CBoundarySubset< Intersection >
 CCheckNumCols< T, S0, S1 >
 CCheckNumRows< T, S0, S1 >
 CCheckSize< T, S0, S1 >
 CClamp< T >
 CDefaultLevelGridViewTraits< GridImp >::Codim< cd >
 CDefaultLeafGridViewTraits< GridImp >::Codim< cd >
 CRowNodeData< NodeData, Tree, leafOnly >::ColNodeData< RowNode >
 CCommunicationCreator< C >Implementation of a creator pattern for Communication types
 CCommunicationCreator< DistributedCommunication< G, L > >
 CCommunicationCreator< ISTLCommunication< G, L > >
 CComposer< F, Gs >Composition of Functors
 CComposer< Divides, One, Pow<-p > >
 CComposer< Sqrt, UnaryDot >
 CComposerBuilder< F, Gs >
 CComposerBuilder< Id, F >
 CComposerBuilder< Id, G >
 CComposerBuilder< Id, Negate >
 CComposerBuilder< Id, Pow< p1 *p2 > >
 CComposerBuilder< Id, Zero >
 CComposerBuilder< Minus, Arg< 1 >, Arg< 0 > >
 CComposerBuilder< Minus, G, Id >
 CComposerBuilder< Pow< p >, Multiplies >
 CComposerBuilder< Scale< F >, Scale< G > >
 CComposerGridFunction< Sig, EntitySet, Functor, GridFunctions >A Gridfunction that applies a functor to the evaluated Gridfunctions
 CComposerGridFunction< R(D), ES, Functor, GridFunctions... >
 CComposerLocalFunction< Signatur, Element, Functor, LocalFunctions >
 CComposerLocalFunction< R(D), E, Functor, LocalFunctions... >
 CComposerPreGridFunction< Functor, PreGridFunctions >
 CConsecutivePolicy< Container >Store cache in instance
 CFakeContainer< T, value >::const_iterator
 CConstant< T >Functor representing a constant value
 CConstantGridFunction< T, GridView >Gridfunction returning a constant value
 CConstantLocalFunction< Signature, LocalContext, Function >
 CConstantLocalFunction< R(D), LC, T >LocalFunction of a Gridfunction returning a constant value
 CConstraints< Matrix >
 CConstraints< BiLinearForm< RB, CB, T, Traits > >
 CConstraints< EigenSparseMatrix< T, O > >
 CConstraints< ISTLBCRSMatrix< T, C > >
 CConstraints< MTLSparseMatrix< T > >
 CConstraints< PetscMatrix< DofMap > >
 CContainerFactory< NodeToValue, leafOnly >A factory class creating a hybrid container compatible with a type tree
 CContextGeometry< LC >Wrapper class for element and geometry
 CConvectionDiffusionLocalOperator< LocalFctA, LocalFctB, LocalFctC, LocalFctF, conserving >
 CConvectionDiffusionOperator< GridFctA, GridFctB, GridFctC, GridFctF, conserving >
 CConvectionDiffusionOperatorTerm< PreGridFctA, PreGridFctB, PreGridFctC, PreGridFctF, c >
 CCoordsCompFunctionA functor that evaluates to a component of the global coordinates
 CCoordsFunctionA functor that evaluates to the global coordinates
 CAnalyticPreGridFunction< Function >::Creator
 CComposerPreGridFunction< Functor, PreGridFunctions >::Creator
 CDerivativePreGridFunction< Expr, Type >::Creator
 CCreatorInterface< BaseClass >Interface for the implementation of the factory method pattern. The creation of an object of a sub class of BaseClass is deligated to a corresponding sub class of Creator<BaseClass>. So it is possible to manage a CreatorMap, which can be extended at run-time. An example is the LinearSolverInterfaceMap: If you write your own LinearSolverInterface sub class and a corresponding Creator<LinearSolverInterface<T> >, you can add the creator together with a key string to the LinearSolverInterfaceMap. Then you can create an LinearSolverInterface depending of a key string read from the init file, which can also be your own new solver
 CCreatorInterface< LinearSolverInterface< M, X, Y > >
 CCreatorInterface< Super >
 CCreatorInterface< tag::preconditioner< AMDiS::SeqSolverTraits > >
 CCreatorInterface< tag::preconditioner< Traits > >
 CCreatorInterface< tag::solver< AMDiS::SolverTraits > >
 CCreatorInterface< tag::solver< Traits > >
 CCreatorMap< BaseClass >A CreatorMap is used to construct objects, which types depends on key words determined at run time. For example the LinearSolverInterfaceMap can create the different solver types depending on the solver parameter of the init file. The benefit of such creator maps is, that you can extend them only by writing an creator class for your own new class and give the creator together with a key word to the map
 CDataTransferFactory< Container >Factory to create DataTransfer objects based on the DataTransferOperation
 CDataTransferInterface< Container >Interface for Containers allowing data transfer between grid changes
 CDataTransferWrapper< Container >
 CDataTransferWrapper< Self >
 CClamp< T >::DClamp
 CDefaultAssemblerTraits< LC, C >
 CDefaultBasisCreator< HostGrid, PreBasisCreator, T, TraitsImpl >Generator for a basis and default problem traits
 CDefaultBasisCreator< Dune::YaspGrid< dim >, Impl::LagrangePreBasisCreator< degrees... > >
 CDefaultBasisCreator< Grid, Impl::LagrangePreBasisCreator< degrees... > >
 CDefaultBasisCreator< Grid, Impl::TaylorHoodPreBasisCreator< Grid::dimensionworld, k > >
 CDefaultCommunicationCreator< C >
 CDefaultCreators< BaseClass >
 CDefaultCreators< LinearSolverInterface< M, X, Y > >Adds default creators for linear solvers based on Eigen::SparseMatrix
 CDefaultCreators< PreconditionerInterface< M, X, Y > >
 CDefaultCreators< tag::preconditioner< Traits > >Adds default creators for preconditioners for ISTL
 CDefaultCreators< tag::solver< Traits > >Adds default creators for linear solvers based on Dune::BCRSMatrix
 CDefaultLeafGridView< GridImp >
 CDefaultLeafGridViewTraits< GridImp >
 CDefaultLevelGridView< GridImp >
 CDefaultLevelGridViewTraits< GridImp >
 CDefaultProblemTraits< GB, T, TraitsImpl >Wrapper around a global basis providing default traits
 CDerivativeGridFunction< GridFunction, Type >A Gridfunction that returns the derivative when calling localFunction
 CDerivativePreGridFunction< Expr, Type >
 CDerivativeTraits< Sig, Type >
 CDerivativeTraits< R(D), tag::value >
 CDirichletBC< SubBasis, ValueGridFct >Implements a boundary condition of Dirichlet-type
 CDiscreteFunction< Coeff, GB, TreePath, R >A mutable view on the subspace of a DOFVector,
 CDiscreteFunction< Coeff const, GB, TreePath, R >A Const DiscreteFunction
 CDistributedCommunication< GlobalId, SizeType >
 CDividesFunctor that represents A/B
 CDot(Binary-)Functor representing the euclidean dot-product
 CGlobalBasis< PB >::DummyImpl
 CEigenSparseMatrix< T, Orientation >The basic container that stores a base matrix and a corresponding row/column feSpace
 Celement_operator< E >
 CEnvironmentEstablishes an environment for sequential and parallel AMDiS programs
 CFaceTransformation< ct, dow >Affine transformation x := A*x + b
 CFaceTransformation< typename Domain::field_type, Domain::dimension >
 CFileWriterCreator< SystemVector >Creator class for filewriters depending on a given type name
 CFileWriterInterfaceInterface class for filewriters
 CFirstOrderDivTestVecFirst-order operator \( \langle\nabla\cdot\Psi, c\rangle \)
 CFirstOrderGradTestFirst-order operator \( \langle\nabla\psi, b\rangle \)
 CFirstOrderPartialTestFirst-order operator \( \langle\partial_i\psi, c\rangle \)
 CFirstOrderTestDivTrialvecFirst-order operator \( \langle\psi, c\,\nabla\cdot\Phi\rangle \)
 CFirstOrderTestGradTrialFirst-order operator \( \langle\psi, \mathbf{b}\cdot\nabla\phi\rangle \)
 CFirstOrderTestPartialTrialFirst-order operator \( \langle\psi, c\,\partial_i\phi\rangle \)
 CFirstOrderTestvecGradTrialFirst-order operator \( \langle\Psi, c\,\nabla\phi\rangle \)
 CFlagEncapsulates flags which represents simple information. Used e.g. while mesh traversal to specify, which elements should be visited
 CFlatPreBasis< PreBasis, MultiIndex >
 CForEach< PetscVector< DofMap > >
 CForEach< TypeTree::InnerNodeStorage< Value, Container > >
 CForEach< TypeTree::LeafNodeStorage< Value > >
 CForEach< TypeTree::TreeContainerStorage< Container > >
 CForEach< VectorBase< D > >
 CForEach< VectorFacade< T, Impl > >
 CGet< I >
 CGlobalBasisIdSet< GB, class >Provide global ids for all DOFs in a global basis
 CGlobalBasisIdSet< Basis::RootBasis >
 CGlobalContext< GV >
 CGridFunctionCreator< Value, std::enable_if_t< Concepts::ConstantToGridFunction< Value > > >
 CGridFunctionLocalOperator< LF, Imp >The main implementation of a local-operator depending on a local-function
 CGridFunctionLocalOperatorTransposed< Transposed >
 CGridFunctionOperator< GF, Imp >The main implementation of an operator depending on a grid-function
 CGridFunctionOperatorRegistry< Tag, LocalContext >Registry to specify a tag for each implementation type
 CGridFunctionOperatorRegistry< tag::divtestvec, LC >
 CGridFunctionOperatorRegistry< tag::divtestvec_divtrialvec, LC >
 CGridFunctionOperatorRegistry< tag::divtestvec_trial, LC >First-order operator \( \langle\nabla\cdot\Psi, c\,\phi\rangle \)
 CGridFunctionOperatorRegistry< tag::gradtest, LC >
 CGridFunctionOperatorRegistry< tag::gradtest_gradtrial, LC >
 CGridFunctionOperatorRegistry< tag::gradtest_trial, LC >First-order operator \( \langle\nabla\cdot\Psi, c\,\phi\rangle \)
 CGridFunctionOperatorRegistry< tag::gradtest_trialvec, LC >First-order operator \( \langle\nabla\psi, c\,\Phi\rangle \)
 CGridFunctionOperatorRegistry< tag::partialtest, LC >
 CGridFunctionOperatorRegistry< tag::partialtest_partialtrial, LC >
 CGridFunctionOperatorRegistry< tag::partialtest_trial, LC >First-order operator \( \langle\partial_i\psi, c\,\phi\rangle \)
 CGridFunctionOperatorRegistry< tag::stokes, LC >
 CGridFunctionOperatorRegistry< tag::test, LC >
 CGridFunctionOperatorRegistry< tag::test_divtrialvec, LC >
 CGridFunctionOperatorRegistry< tag::test_gradtrial, LC >
 CGridFunctionOperatorRegistry< tag::test_partialtrial, LC >
 CGridFunctionOperatorRegistry< tag::test_trial, LC >
 CGridFunctionOperatorRegistry< tag::test_trialvec, LC >
 CGridFunctionOperatorRegistry< tag::testvec, LC >
 CGridFunctionOperatorRegistry< tag::testvec_gradtrial, LC >
 CGridFunctionOperatorRegistry< tag::testvec_trial, LC >Zero-order operator \( \langle\Psi, \mathbf{b}\,\phi\rangle \)
 CGridFunctionOperatorRegistry< tag::testvec_trialvec, LC >
 CGridFunctionOperatorTransposed< Transposed >The transposed operator, implemented in terms of its transposed by calling assemble with inverted arguments on the transposed element-matrix
 CLeafNodeCache< Node >::CoordKey::hasher
 CHierarchicNodeToRangeMapA simple node to range map using the nested tree indices
 CId(Unary-)Functor representing the identity
 CIndexMapTuple< Indices, Map >
 CIndexMapTuple< std::index_sequence< I... >, Map >
 CDistributedCommunication< GlobalId, SizeType >::IndexSet
 CInitfileParserParser for AMDiS initfile format
 CInnerNodeStorage< Value, Container >
 CInnerProduct< PetscVector< DofMap > >
 CInnerProduct< VectorBase< D > >
 CInnerProduct< VectorFacade< S, Impl > >
 Cintersection_operator< I >
 CIsSame< Ts >
 CISTLBCRSMatrix< T, C >
 CISTLLinearOperatorCreator< M, X, Y >Creator to create Linear Operator objects
 CISTLParallelPreconditionerCreator< X, Y >Creator to create parallel Preconditioners
 CISTLScalarProductCreator< X >Creator to create ScalarProduct objects
 CISTLTraits< Basis >
 CIsValidTreePath< Tree, TreePath, NodeTag >
 CLeafNodeStorage< Value >
 CLinearSolverInterface< M, X, Y >
 CLinearSolverInterface< Mat, VecX, VecY >
 CLinearSolverInterface< Matrix, VectorX, VectorY >
 CDiscreteFunction< Coeff, GB, TreePath, R >::LocalFunction< Type >
 CLocalToGlobalBasisAdapter< BasisCache, Geometry >Convert a simple (scalar) local basis into a global basis
 CLocalView< GB >The restriction of a finite element basis to a single element
 CMacroGridFactory< GridType >
 CMap< TypeTree::InnerNodeStorage< Value, Container > >
 CMap< TypeTree::LeafNodeStorage< Value > >
 CMap< TypeTree::TreeContainerStorage< Container > >
 CMappedRangeView< R, F >A range transforming the values of another range on-the-fly
 CMapTuple< Tuple, Map >
 CMapTuple< std::tuple< T... >, Map >
 CMarker< Grid >Base class for all markers
 CMatrixFacade< T, MatrixImpl >
 CMatrixFacade< T, Traits::template MatrixImpl >
 CMatrixNnzStructureSparsity pattern used to create PETSc matrices
 CMaxOperation that represents max(A,B)
 CMeshCreator< G >A creator class for dune grids
 CMinOperation that represents min(A,B)
 CMinusFunctor that represents A-B
 CMTLSparseMatrix< T >The basic container that stores a base matrix
 CMultipliesFunctor that represents A*B
 CNegateFunctor that represents A-B
 CNodeDataTransfer< Node, Container, Basis >
 CNodeIdSet< PB, TP, NodeTag >
 CNodeIdSet< PreBasis, TreePath >
 CNodeWrapper< NodeType >
 CNodeWrapper< Node >
 CNoOpA functor with no operation
 CNotifier< Event, Events >Mixin for signaling of certain events
 CNotifier< Event >
 CNotifier< event::adapt >
 CNotifier< event::postAdapt >
 CNotifier< event::preAdapt >
 CNotifier< event::preAdapt, event::adapt, event::postAdapt >
 CObserverInterface< Event >
 CObserverInterface< event::adapt >
 CObserverInterface< event::postAdapt >
 CObserverInterface< event::preAdapt >
 CObserverSequenceImpl< Event, Tags >
 COperatorLists< GridView, Container >
 COperatorTerm< Tag, Expr >
 CDefaultLeafGridViewTraits< GridImp >::Codim< cd >::Partition< pit >Define types needed to iterate over entities of a given partition type
 CDefaultLevelGridViewTraits< GridImp >::Codim< cd >::Partition< pit >Define types needed to iterate over entities of a given partition type
 CPeriodicBC< Basis, TP >Implements a periodic boundary condition
 CPetscMatrix< DofMap >The basic container that stores a base matrix
 CPetscTraits< Basis >
 CPetscVector< DofMap >The basic container that stores a base vector data
 CPlusFunctor that represents A+B
 CPowerFunctor that represents x^p,
 CPowImpl< p, positive >
 CPowImpl< p, true >Functor that represents x^p
 CPowType< p >
 CPowType< 0 >
 CPowType< 1 >
 CPreBasisFactory< MultiIndex >
 CPreconConfig< Precon >
 CPreconConfig< Eigen::IncompleteLUT< T, I > >
 Cpreconditioner< Traits >
 CPreconditionerInterface< M, X, Y >Interface for Preconditioner y = M*x
 CProblemIterationInterfaceInterface for master problems needed by the adaption loop. A master problem can handle one single or multiple coupled problems. In the latter case, the master problem can determine the execution order of the build, solve, estimate, and adapt steps of the single problems in oneIteration()
 CProblemStatBaseInterface for time independent problems. Concrete problems must override all pure virtual methods. The method adaptMethodStat() should initiate the adaption loop which in turn uses the other pure virtual functions. The default stationary adaption loop is implemented in the class AdaptStationary
 CProblemTimeInterfaceInterface for time dependent problems. Concrete problems must override all pure virtual methods
 CReference< T >Functor representing a constant value
 CDistributedCommunication< GlobalId, SizeType >::RemoteIndices
 Cremove_cvref< T >Remove cv and ref qualifiers of type T
 CRowNodeData< NodeData, Tree, leafOnly >
 CAdaptInfo::ScalContentStores adapt infos for a scalar problem or for one component of a vector valued problem
 CScale< Factor >Functor that represents f*A
 CSecondOrderDivTestvecDivTrialvecSecond-order operator \( \langle\nabla\cdot\Psi, c\,\nabla\cdot\Phi\rangle \)
 CSecondOrderGradTestGradTrialSecond-order operator \( \langle\nabla\psi, c\,\nabla\phi\rangle \), or
 CSecondOrderPartialTestPartialTrialSecond-order operator \( \langle\partial_i\psi, c\,\partial_j\phi\rangle \)
 CSequentialCommunicationDummy implementation for sequential communication
 CSequentialDofMapping< IS, GI >Fallback for ParallelDofMapping in case there is only one mpi core
 CSequentialDofMapping< IndexSet, PetscInt >
 CSequentialISTLCommunication< G, L >Dummy implementation for ISTL-specific communication when no MPI is found
 CSignumFunctor that represents the signum function
 Csolver< Traits >
 CSolverConfig< Solver >
 CSolverConfig< Eigen::DGMRES< M, P > >
 CSolverConfig< Eigen::GMRES< M, P > >
 CSolverTraits< Mat, VecX, VecY >
 CSparsityPatternA general sparsity pattern implementation using the full pattern of the basis by adding all local indices
 CStaticConstant< T, value >Functor representing a static constant value
 CStaticLockedPolicy< Container >Stores cache global static, requires locking on write access
 CStokesOperatorStokes operator \( \langle\nabla\mathbf{v}, \nu \nabla\mathbf{u}\rangle + \langle\nabla\cdot\mathbf{v}, p\rangle + \langle q, \langle\nabla\cdot\mathbf{u}\rangle \)
 CThreadLocalPolicy< Container >Store cache thread local, requires no locking
 CTransform< PetscVector< DofMap > >
 CTransform< VectorBase< D > >
 CTransform< VectorFacade< T, Impl > >
 CTransposedMatrix< Matrix >The transposed view onto a matrix
 CTreeContainerStorage< Container >Vector data-structure with tree-path index access and hierarchic structure given by the Container template type
 CConstraints< MTLSparseMatrix< T > >::Triplet< Value >
 CTwist< IdSet, dim >Permutate the dof indices w.r.t. a global entity orientation
 CTwist< typename Grid::GlobalIdSet, GridView::dimension >
 CTypes< Ts >A variadic type list
 CUnaryDot(Unary-)Functor representing the euclidean dot-product
 CValueCategory< T, class >Category of type T, e.g. scalar, vector matrix, specified by a tag
 CValueCategory< std::reference_wrapper< T > >
 CValueCategory< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< T > > >
 CVectorBase< Derived >CRTP base class for flat vector backends
 CVectorBase< EigenVector< T > >
 CVectorBase< ISTLBlockVector< T > >
 CVectorBase< MTLVector< T > >
 CVectorFacade< T, VectorImpl >The basic container that stores a base vector and a corresponding basis
 CVectorFacade< T, Traits::template VectorImpl >
 CVectorFacade< T, TraitsType::template VectorImpl >
 CVTKSequenceWriter< GridView >Class to write pvd-files which contains a list of all collected vtk-files
 CZeroOrderTestZero-order vector-operator \( (c\, \psi) \)
 CZeroOrderTestTrialZero-order operator \( \langle\psi, c\,\phi\rangle \)
 CZeroOrderTestTrialvecZero-order operator \( \langle\psi, \mathbf{b}\cdot\Phi\rangle \)
 CZeroOrderTestVecZero-order vector-operator \( (\mathbf{b}\cdot\Psi) \)
 CZeroOrderTestvecTrialvecZero-order operator \( \langle\Psi, c\,\Phi\rangle \), or \( \langle\Psi, A\,\Phi\rangle \)
 CGlobalIdSet const &
 Cstatic constexpr int
 Ctemplate MatrixImpl< T >
 Ctemplate VectorImpl< T >
 Ctemplate VectorImpl< T >